Honors and Awards
Harris County Medical Society Alternate Delegate to the Texas Medical Association House of Delegates, 2010
President, Houston Orthopaedic Society, 2009
Education Committee Chair, Foundation of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2007
Who's Who in Medical Sciences Education (WWMSE), 2005
1st prize Freeman School of Business, Business Plan Competition. Advanced Orthopaedic Solutions. 2005.
New Orleans Magazine Top Doctor, 2004, 2005
Greater New Orleans Orthopaedic Society, President, 2001
AO International Fellowship, 1995
Ilizarov Fellowship, Lecco, Italy, 1995
AFOR Foundation Traveling Fellowship, Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum Course and Workshop, Paris, France, 1995
Finalist, Alonzo J. Neufeld Award, Western Orthopaedic Association 57th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, August 29-September 2, 1993, S Katzman MD*, KF Dickson MD, J Gibeault MD: Use of a Herbert Screw for Interphalangeal Arthrodesis.
1992 Orthopedic Review Resident Writer's Award, Honorable Mention, S Katzman MD*, KF Dickson MD, RG Volz MD: Determining the Prognosis for Limb Salvage in Major Vascular injuries with Associated Open Tibial Fractures.
First Place Presentation at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Scientific Program of the LeRoy C. Abbott Orthopaedic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 8, 1992, KF Dickson MD*, S Katzman MD, E Delgado MD, D Contreras MD: Angiography Correlated with Delayed Unions and Nonunions in Open Tibia Fractures.
Award Winning Research Paper Presented at 9th Annual Orthopaedic Residents' Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, August 23-24, 1991, KF Dickson MD*, S Katzman MD, E Delgado MD, D Contreras MD: Delayed Unions and Nonunions in Grade Three Open Tibia Fractures with Angiogram Proven Single Vessel Injury.
Regents Scholarship, UC San Diego, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988
A.B. Degree in Zoology with "Highest Honors", UC Berkeley, 1985
Student-Athlete Achievement Award, UC Berkeley, 1983, 1984
Presidential Fellowship for Research, UC Berkeley, 1984
Dean's List, UC Berkeley, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
Valedictorian, Cherry Creek High School, 1981